
Rescue Dogs in Spain

My Top Tips When Buying A Puppy

So you are considering bringing a puppy into your home and adding a new member of your family! Making the decision alone is (and should be!) quite a big step. A puppy, although very cute, is a lot of hard work and a 10+ year commitment. It is important that you have considered the sacrifices…
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Barrier Frustration – Never Judge a Dog from the Other Side of the Fence!

My first encounter with so many dogs at shelters seems like such a strange representation of who the dogs are now that I know them well. The video below absolutely sums up what I am trying to explain. This can also be exactly the same with a dog who seems aggressive towards other dogs when…
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Why I Would Never Recommend A Retractable Lead

If you have done your research, its really nothing new that this type of lead is infamous among dog owners (and non-dog owners, actually). Usually used for very small dogs, but not uncommonly used for medium to large sized dogs too, this lead is dangerous not just for the safety of the dog, but for…
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Featured in the Costa Blanca News!

This week I had an interview with Jack Troughton from the Costa Blanca News about the work I am doing through my mission. He accompanied me whilst I handed out treats and KONGs to the shelter dogs as I usually do 2-3 times a week, and I explained about my goals and current work. Today…
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Are You Ready To Adopt A Rescue Dog?

(Dog photographed above is Iris from Apasa) Its very easy to decide you want a dog in your life, and for the shelters its great because it means a dog gets a home, freeing space for another dog in need. But with so many dogs being returned to the shelters not long after being adopted,…
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What to Expect – Bringing Your New Rescue Dog Home

You have given a rescue dog a new chance at life and you are finally preparing to bring him/her home, welcoming them into your family home. You have done an amazing thing and changed the life of that dog forever. Its hard to know what to expect as every dog is so different, but its…
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5 Common Mistakes Made By First Time Rescue Dog Owners

When you adopt your first ever rescue dog, its very exciting for both owner and dog alike. You can do all the research in the world in an effort to prepare yourself for your new member of the family, but sometimes different rules can apply to different types of personalities.  In order to help make…
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Building Communication With Your Rescue Dog

Imagine you are relocating to another country. A country where you have no knowledge of the language, the rules, the culture or the etiquette. You are seeing everything for the first time – weird furniture, new terrain, new sounds and different smells. No one can tell you whats going on because you don’t understand their…
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Our Winston from Apasa

We rescued our first dog Tatty from Apasa when I was 9 years old. Seven years later, she was starting to slow down, so we decided it was time to adopt a younger dog as we had heard that the company of a younger pup can prolong the life of an older dog. Off we…
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